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Book Details

Title:   The Secret Diary of Laura Palmer
Author:   Jennifer Lynch
Times Read:   1
Last Read:   07.19.10

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Date Read Note
07.19.10 A co-worker gave this to me and I still have most of my paperbacks packed so this flew to the front of the queue out of sheer convenience.

At a glance, it's kind of a 200-page book that you don't really have to read. You know how Laura ends up, you know how she died, and you know what her secret life was... but still, for the die-hard fan I guess it's fun to read it from her perspective. When you get into reading it though, you realize that it's all about like a 14-15 year old girl slutting around and snorting coke. It's pretty depressing, actually. And I know it's supposed to be but... eh.

Mostly, I feel awkward that David Lynch's daughter wrote this. Sure, dad, I'll write a secret journal about a teenager's sexual fantasies and drug habits for your show. Let's hope it wasn't too autobiographical.

Mostly, this book was kind of a bummer. It was fun to try and remember all the plot points from the show and how they connected into the book but that was a minor thrill compared to, say, watching the show again. Oh well.

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