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Book Details

Title:   Based on a True Story
Author:   Jonathan Vankin, John Whalen
Times Read:   1
Last Read:   04.01.05

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Date Read Note
04.01.05 A run-down of a hundred movies that are supposedly based on a true story and how closely each actually earns that merit. Taken as specific reference to a particular film that you might be curious about, it's an interesting read with each movie given a few pages to list off differences. Read collectively as a whole book however, the message gets pretty old. The filmmakers change stuff, we get it. Also, on the occasional film that I already know a decent amount of backstory on, I was a bit disappointed to find some factoids missing. What it does have in there is interesting though, and it's written in a wry reportage manner... which is good as long as you're looking to bash the film for compounding characters or shrinking timelines. I perhaps would have preferred 50 films deconstructed twice as much instead of the 100 cursory summations offered here. Still though, it's an interesting read for people like me who always wonder what exactly is real and what's not.

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