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Book Details

Title:   Lucky Wander Boy
Author:   D.B. Weiss
Times Read:   1
Last Read:   03.17.11

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Date Read Note
03.17.11 A twentysomething starts cataloguing all the classic video games of his youth until he gets obsessed with a mysteriously-hard-to-find surreal title and it takes over his life more or less.


I actually got a huge Flicker vibe from this book, except with games rather than movies. It kind of has a dark edge that gets weirder and darker as the book goes on. It starts off typically post-modern but does a nice recursive twist where you start to realize that aspects of the game are reflected in the book itself until finally the last stage of the book is exactly as the last stage in the game.

Pretty cool.

I liked it. The second half went much faster than the first. It didn't quite have the narrative kick in the balls that Flicker had for me since the recursive twist is gradual and therefore not really a surprise but still, it left me with a somewhat grimy feel which is refreshing - to be affected by a book like that.

good book.

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