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Book Details

Title:   A Lifetime of Secrets
Author:   Frank Warren
Times Read:   1
Last Read:   08.07.12

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Date Read Note
08.07.12 So... I just recently became aware of For the few who are like me, it's an ongoing "art project" where basically people from across the country send this guy postcards with their deepest darkest secrets on them and he posts them on the internet anonymously. Some are sad, some are funny, some are sexy, but really most are sad. I found the site to be incredibly human and intimate and bought one of the books.

It's a bit pricey considering it took all of an hour to read through but still worthwhile in my mind as a coffee table book and occasional inspiration. The messages are just so raw due to their size limitations and implicit meanings that I get really moved reading the stuff. I do wonder how so many people come up with these crazy artistic postcards to go along with their fucked up secrets... I guess a lot of them are artists or something who knows. I hope it's not fake.

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