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Book Details

Title:   The Book of Drugs
Author:   Mike Doughty
Times Read:   1
Last Read:   10.12.12

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Date Read Note
10.12.12 I was a huge Soul Coughing fan in college and still am today. I'm revisiting Mike Doughty's solo stuff as I read this memoir of his. I'm kind of soaked in Doughty at the moment. I even wrote him a fan letter although I doubt I'll send it. Anyway...

The book is very well written and really promotes page-turning. True all the anecdotes are about him but that's how every memoir goes. He talks A LOT about Soul Coughing which is really why I wanted to read it. In interviews and live youtube clips he presents a very negative reaction to the band and the songs that a lot of people really love. Reading the book gives a very deep telling of his perspective about the band, his band-mate's personalities, and how the songs were ultimately compromised. I don't really care I still love them. I like some of his solo stuff a lot as well but it's different. It was a good read although... I mean... I guess this whole "I did this drug, then I went here and did that drug, then I screwed her while doing this drug, then I wound up there doing that drug" thing is a genre unto itself!? I now feel like I was pretty harsh on Chris Connelly's book because he did the same thing (witch much less outside of the drugs) but now I'm kind of getting the sense that I could read a lot of books very similar to this if I wanted to. I'm glad I'm not a junkie. Of course even if I were my life would still be much less interesting than either of those dudes, but whatever.

On the whole, I liked this book. It does change a few things about how I see Soul Coughing, but oh well.

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