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Book Details

Title:   Inside HBO's Game of Thrones
Author:   Bryan Cogman
Times Read:   1
Last Read:   03.09.13

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Date Read Note
03.09.13 Since the show is returning at the end of the month and I got this for Christmas I thought it would be a good time to refamiliarize myself with the universe. The book is fairly light with lots of pretty pictures and layout design (for instance, Viserys's page has beads of gold dripped on the background image) but not a huge amount of text and what little there is in the form of oral history. You can almost imagine the behind-the-scenes Blu-Ray extra playing as each voice talks with occasional concept art or production still overlayed on the dialogue. Not that it's a problem, you just don't get much substance. I imagine Cogman asked all involved to email him whatever they wanted to say for the book then he just edited it all together. The meatiest bit came on almost the last page from the guy who created the Dothraki language, I suppose just because he hasn't really had a chance to explain his work in-depth anywhere else. But still, I wasn't expecting some complete production diary or anything like that; it was a nice reintroduction to all the characters getting me ready for Season Three which is really all I wanted so that's cool.

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