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Book Details

Title:   The Walking Dead: Compendium Two
Author:   Robert Kirkman
Times Read:   1
Last Read:   04.21.13

Other Books Read By This Author (1)
- The Walking Dead: Compendium One

Notes History
Date Read Note
04.21.13 Issues 49-96 of The Walking Dead comic. I remember at the end of the first gigantic tome being really sad to stop because so many people had just died and shit was going down. Plenty happens during this second chunk but it leaves off at a more fitting ending. The thing I perhaps liked most about this was a sense of progression in the world. People are starting to get their shit together. I can see the series ending after civilisation returns and really the whole arc could be Rick's story in some spiritually exploded version of World War Z. While all this other stuff was going on, this series is Rick's day by day. Or everything will turn to shit or something who knows. It a captivating read and if Compendium Three ever comes out I'll probably get it but I hope it ends at some point. Also, the book didn't get any lighter. I sped through it on a weeked just so i don't have to carry it around any longer than i have to.

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