my Book

Book Details

Title:   Joyland
Author:   Stephen King
Times Read:   1
Last Read:   08.21.13

Other Books Read By This Author (26)
- 11/22/63
- Bazaar of Bad Dreams
- Billy Summers
- Blockade Billy
- Cell
- The Colorado Kid
- Doctor Sleep
- Duma Key
- Elevation
- End of Watch
- Fairy Tale
- Finders Keepers
- Full Dark, No Stars
- Holly
- If it Bleeds
- The Institute
- It
- Just After Sunset
- Later
- Lisey's Story
- Mr. Mercedes
- On Writing
- The Outsider
- Revival
- Under the Dome
- The Wind Through the Keyhole

Notes History
Date Read Note
08.21.13 King's second book for Hard Case Crime and it feels twice as long (in that it's a short novel rather than novella or puffed up short story). I found 90% of this book to be a wonderful joy. The period small beach town stuff, the independent amusement park stuff, the carny speak and ghost in the dark ride and wearing the fur stuff was perfect. I also liked the stuff with the kid and his mom a lot but the last act where this mystery comes together in a climax was kind of forced I thought. Since the cast is so limited, once the book became a whodunit and King dropped the first real clue I felt it was too blatant who it was so any doubts or red herrings King threw in just made the story feel more mechanical to me. Plus it's yet another case of some serial murder psychopath being warm and personable for the whole book until they're revealed and then they start twirling the mustache. It kind of put a damper on how much I seriously loved the rest of this.

my Book