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Book Details

Title:   Doctor Sleep
Author:   Stephen King
Times Read:   1
Last Read:   11.02.13

Other Books Read By This Author (26)
- 11/22/63
- Bazaar of Bad Dreams
- Billy Summers
- Blockade Billy
- Cell
- The Colorado Kid
- Duma Key
- Elevation
- End of Watch
- Fairy Tale
- Finders Keepers
- Full Dark, No Stars
- Holly
- If it Bleeds
- The Institute
- It
- Joyland
- Just After Sunset
- Later
- Lisey's Story
- Mr. Mercedes
- On Writing
- The Outsider
- Revival
- Under the Dome
- The Wind Through the Keyhole

Notes History
Date Read Note
11.02.13 King's sequel to The Shining. I liked this one a lot, although I feel like King's books aren't even really horror anymore. Yes there are supernatural elements in this that set it apart from mainstream drama or whatever but... is it even supposed to be scary? I'm not sure. It didn't stop me from liking it, but spending so much time in the antagonists' mindspace gave them an interesting and confusing sympathy that kind of muddles any creepiness they may hold. It would be like if there were five chapters in 'salem's Lot about what Barlow was thinking. It was nice to revisit Danny Torrance though and also fitting to read King cover Alcoholics Anonymous in the story of perhaps his most famous alcoholic character's son.

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