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Book Details

Title:   Armada
Author:   Ernest Cline
Times Read:   1
Last Read:   09.06.15

Other Books Read By This Author (2)
- Ready Player One
- Ready Player Two

Notes History
Date Read Note
09.06.15 So... I was not expecting this to be as good as Ready Player One, but I was hoping that it would be fun and entertaining. I didn't quite get that. It's kind of weird when you mention all of the sources of inspiration for your book in the first fifteen pages then spend two hundred pages telling a thinly-veiled regurgitation of those inspirations. I didn't mind that this was a self-aware world where the protagonist knows about things like Last Starfighter and Ender's Game, but then why do we spend so much time on the details that Last Starfighter and Ender's Game did better? I feel like the pacing of this book suggests that it should be more about interpersonal relationships than action but a lot of time is also spent describing action, so much so that the characters are too shallow to really care about. I kind of spent the first two thirds of the book waiting for it to start but then the end was pretty unsatisfying for me as well. I don't mean to sound overly harsh... I really admire Ernest Cline and see him as a local success story and from what i've seen on his appearances and around the Alamo and through mutual friends he seems like the nicest guy and I'm honestly thrilled for him... but I also wish I liked this book more. I didn't really like it. I thought it was a bit of a mess.

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