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Book Details

Title:   Finders Keepers
Author:   Stephen King
Times Read:   1
Last Read:   10.26.15

Other Books Read By This Author (27)
- 11/22/63
- Bazaar of Bad Dreams
- Billy Summers
- Blockade Billy
- Cell
- The Colorado Kid
- Doctor Sleep
- Duma Key
- Elevation
- End of Watch
- Fairy Tale
- Full Dark, No Stars
- Holly
- If it Bleeds
- The Institute
- It
- Joyland
- Just After Sunset
- Later
- Lisey's Story
- Mr. Mercedes
- On Writing
- The Outsider
- Revival
- Under the Dome
- The Wind Through the Keyhole
- You Like It Darker

Notes History
Date Read Note
10.26.15 A sequel to Mr. Mercedes but to me it really feels like the second in a trilogy. I say that knowing that the final book will be published next year so that could be where it comes from but also... the story feels very episodic to me. The main characters from Mr. Mercedes are not the main characters here and really only come into the picture in the second half of the book. Certainly they don't drive the narrative. Which is fine. I think this is King trying his hand at a Michael Connelly book. It's not quite a mystery but it is a non-supernatural thriller with an ex-cop protagonist. It's kind of neat that King has written so many books that he's willing to branch out and write 3 books in a certain vein just because he feels like it. Maybe it's because he has enough fans like me who will read anything he puts out that will follow him on his journey. I don't really know how to look up book sales but I can't imagine his books failing to sell.

Anyway, I liked this one ok. The structure kind of threw me at first because I was expecting a more straight-up sequel but I think in the end I liked it about the same as Mercedes in that they held my interest but aren't close to my favorite King books (or even favorite recent King books).

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