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Book Details

Title:   Slimed: An Oral History of Nickelodeon's Golden Age
Author:   Mathew Klickstein
Times Read:   1
Last Read:   11.16.15

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Date Read Note
11.16.15 I'm typically a fan of oral histories so I thought it would be fun to hit the nostalgia centers of my brain and learn about the Nick shows I used to watch as well as the development of the channel itself. So I kind of knew that the sections that dealt with shows I never watched would be less interesting to me but I was kind of disappointed by other aspects of this book. For one, there is zero context. Those paragraphs that set up the next batch of interview snippets that let's you know what the hell they're talking about? gone. Also, the chapters are structured more thematically than chronologically so everyone interviewed for the book talks all the time. I recognized maybe 5 names out of the 200 or whatever in the book and couldn't be bothered to keep checking the back to find out who they were, so a lot of the time I wasn't sure who was talking about what show when. If the book was structured more around each show or each year or something I could've had a better handhold on what they were talking about, but for me a lot of this book was kind of a jumbled mess. That said, the parts where I could Identify that they were talking about shows I watched (You Can't Do That on Television, Double Dare, Ren & Stimpy, Hey Dude) I liked very much. But I watched a ton of Nick at Nite and would've liked to have learned more about how that came about, TV Land... and also they talked a tiny bit about the branding and marketing of the channel itself but it would've been cool to hear more about the circumstances of how it all happened. In the end, the book was just ok. I was hoping for more.

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