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Book Details

Title:   Haunted
Author:   Chuck Palahniuk
Times Read:   1
Last Read:   05.23.05

Other Books Read By This Author (4)
- Invisible Monsters
- Rant
- Snuff
- Tell-All

Notes History
Date Read Note
05.23.05 This one's a sort-of anthology of short stories but it's more a straight novel since the wrapper story is really long. I'd heard this was going to be like a scary book, like scary stories and horror and stuff. Instead, it's kind of gross and utterly caught up in Palahniuk's ongoing pessimistic vibe. I think his charm is wearing off on me. Back when I read Choke and Survivor, his style and prose were amazingly fresh and cool, but now it's just retreading over and over. I hope his next effort changes things up a bit. Of the stories in here, I'd say that Guts is the best, which is unfortunate because it's also the first. It's the best because it seems the most complete as a short story. Some of the other ones are good too but I'd say almost half of them seem incomplete and they rely on the framing story to make them interesting. All in all, maybe this book was too long or too rushed or something, but I'm a bit disappointed with it. Also, it's not scary at all.

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