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Book Details

Title:   Harry Potter and the Cursed Child
Author:   J.K. Rowling, John Tiffany, Jack Thorne
Times Read:   1
Last Read:   09.22.16

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Date Read Note
09.22.16 It's a bit much making such fanfare over a script, but I understand that any new Harry Potter content is big news and, hey, I'm guilty of picking this up so I guess it worked.

I'm kind of curious how they pull off some of this stuff on stage. Like the hogwarts staircases and bookcases pulling them in and stuff. I'm sure there's some disappointing guy-in-a-suit execution.

Story-wise, I spent most of the "book" a little upset by how closely it was following Back to the Future Part 2. The characters of Albus and especially Scorpius seem shallow and annoying. And everyone keeps making dumb choices.

Luckily, the very end I thought was interesting enough to redeem some things, but not enough to forgive everything. All the Pottermore stuff I'm pretty conflicted about. The seven books stand alone in my opinion. They work on a story level but they also do a great job of getting more mature as Harry does. If your kid read the first book when they were Harry's age, by the time the last book came out they were a young adult and the series progressed with them. This play seems like a step backward to Book 2 or something. Tonally, it doesn't fit.

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