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Book Details

Title:   The Secret History of Twin Peaks
Author:   Mark Frost
Times Read:   1
Last Read:   01.19.17

Other Books Read By This Author (1)
- Twin Peaks: The Final Dossier

Notes History
Date Read Note
01.19.17 The return of Twin Peaks looms closer and closer. Now Mark Frost, co-creator of the show, releases this novel. I really liked this. A major factor is the format. I'm a sucker for the epistolary (if that's what you call it) form... this book is structured like a dossier compiled by someone that FBI director Gordon Cole finds at a crime scene and assigns the reader to read and analyze. So it's journal entries, newspaper articles, personnel files, interview transcripts, etc. And the book is gorgeous: great binding, oversize pages, full color printing to really sell the different format of each document. The story itself goes all the way back to Lewis and Clark and the very first recorded not of the region. From there, it basically connects every consipiracy theory together and somehow ties it into either Twin Peaks itself or someone who was born there. It wasn't until toward the end of the book that I realized that the major character who we follow through the whole book might've also appeared as a minor character on the show. Now I'm really in the mood to rewatch the show, the movie, finally sit down and see all those deleted scenes... everything in preparation for the show's return in May. So while I can't say this was the most original story ever told, the presentation of the book really made me enjoy it a lot.

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