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Book Details

Title:   The Rise and Fall of D.O.D.O.
Author:   Neal Stephenson, Nicole Galland
Times Read:   1
Last Read:   07.27.17

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Date Read Note
07.27.17 Finished this on my birthday! I really liked this one. Stephenson's take on time travel invites an opportunity for a bunch of other stuff that I know he's into (like realistic swordplay) and I would say that I feel Galland's feminine perspective on many of the characters but I think Stephenson's pretty good and has a long history of female protagonists so I don't really know how this book was split up. Plus I'm always a sucker for epistolary or whatever you call the style where the narrative is made up of different source documents (I should really look that up. I think it's like the third time I've written this sentence on here). I enjoyed all the historical times that the book visits and found the sci-fi premise believable enough to buy. I also like how it included several mythical or lore-based things like witches and hell in a plausible way... as well as making a statement about creative arts in general and mankind's technological path through recent history. All really fun and super readable.

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