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Book Details

Title:   Artemis
Author:   Andy Weir
Times Read:   1
Last Read:   12.19.17

Other Books Read By This Author (2)
- The Martian
- Project Hail Mary

Notes History
Date Read Note
12.19.17 Andy Weir's follow-up to The Martian. I liked this for the most part. A lot of what's good about The Martian - the intelligence, the practical knowledge of engineering and chemistry and geology, the snarkiness of the narrator - are here. I also liked that he put a caper storyline in a sci-fi setting. Parts felt a lot like Chinatown even. However, with his setting - a city on the moon - he ends up having to explain a lot of things as they happen. It feels a bit like establishing the rules just as he's breaking them. I guess The Martian reads a similar way, but the premise of that book feels more grounded in modern-day. It's more of a 'what if?' book whereas this is unequivocally off in future sci-fi land. As such, all the incredible feats of science that the protagonist accomplishes can't help but feel a little manufactured because they guy who's solving the problem is also inventing the problem to begin with. Again, as I type that out, it seems that could be arguably true about EVERY book so... call it a minor foible. My only other minor foible is that Weir wrote in a female protagonist's voice. I don't think he quite nailed it. I think there's a lot of overcompensating... so many sex jokes. It feels like a man pretending to be a woman... it's a man's sense of humor at play. So a lot of that stuff felt a tiny bit cringey to me. Not enough to hamper my enjoyment of the book however... I liked it a lot. Not as much as The Martian, but compared to other highly-anticipated Sophomore efforts (ahem, Armada) it's a total success.

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