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Book Details

Title:   Return of the Lazy Dungeon Master
Author:   Michael E. Shea
Times Read:   1
Last Read:   05.11.21

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Date Read Note
05.11.21 This short manual is filled with advice on how to focus on the most impactful aspects of prepping to run a RPG and streamlining your process. I read it in hopes of getting a different perspective than what has become my method over the past year and see if there's anything I should try out. What I've learned is that in some respects I'm already doing what this book suggests, and in others I'm probably more comfortable erring on the side of over-prepping. I did find it useful to distill a few ideas I've been kinda sorta doing into concrete tools like using "fronts" to keep the game world moving. I'll also try using the idea of abstracting clues and secrets a little more since I've found that's where I really struggle in planning. I need the party to get certain information but have no idea how to give it to them so most often I wind up tailoring certain encounters just to deliver that. I think mostly though that a lot of where I come from is I want to run the game the way that I'd love playing it, and part of that is not seeing too much through the curtains. To feel like there was design and purpose and a little bit of logic applied to everything that happens... and unfortunately even after reading this book I think the only way to do that is to put in the time. Still, I'm glad I read this though, as there was more direct advice for actually preparing and running the game than I found in the 5e DMG.

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