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Book Details

Title:   Resurrection Walk
Author:   Michael Connelly
Times Read:   1
Last Read:   11.23.23

Other Books Read By This Author (38)
- 9 Dragons
- Angels Flight
- The Black Box
- The Black Echo
- The Black Ice
- Blood Work
- The Brass Verdict
- The Burning Room
- Chasing the Dime
- City of Bones
- The Closers
- The Concrete Blonde
- Crime Beat
- The Crossing
- The Dark Hours
- Dark Sacred Night
- A Darkness More Than Night
- Desert Star
- The Drop
- Echo Park
- Fair Warning
- The Fifth Witness
- The Gods of Guilt
- The Last Coyote
- The Late Show
- The Law of Innocence
- The Lincoln Lawyer
- Lost Light
- The Narrows
- The Night Fire
- The Overlook
- The Poet
- The Reversal
- The Scarecrow
- Trunk Music
- Two Kinds of Truth
- Void Moon
- The Wrong Side of Goodbye

Notes History
Date Read Note
11.23.23 This year's Connelly is a Micky Haller book that's half a Harry Bosch book (with a cameo(?) from Renee Ballard). I feel like Connelly and King both write so prodigiously that they find ways to keep themselves entertained by playing with the format. Weird chapter structures or whatever; in this case it's making Mickey's parts first person while Bosch's are third, but both in present tense. After a minute it works to keep the points of view straight, but it does kinda feel random.

I'm unarguably a fan at this point so I'll say I liked this pretty good, perhaps more than a few more recent ones? I do feel like the Lincoln Lawyer books wind up with more focus because there's always a court case so you can hang the structure of the plot or the place in the story on where you're at with the trial. The Bosch stuff meanwhile is mostly admiration that Connelly is really making his hero an age in real time and curiosity on how he'll retire/die. His current role (as that of an unofficial investigator for his half brother Haller) is both believable and sustainable I guess but sooner or later it's going to be absurd imagining this 75-year old cancer patient doing anything physical.

For the time being though, I'm happy to check in every year and see how he's doing.

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