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Book Details

Title:   Don't Make Me Think: A Common Sense Approach to Web Usability
Author:   Steve Krug
Times Read:   1
Last Read:   05.31.24

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Date Read Note
05.31.24 I read the first quarter of this for work several months ago but figured I paid for it (and it was the only thing unread on my kindle which triggered my OCD brain) so I thought I'd finish it. This is not a normal note since this is boring work shit rather than driven by personal interest (forgetting the broader argument that my chosen field of work is also driven by personal interest) so my feeling towards it are pretty removed. It's akin to reading a Dummy's guide book or something: the best I can say about it is that it was easy to read but also informative. This is known as a sacred text of usability but reading it feels a lot like Krug just wrote down all the common sense stuff that every web user feels. Maybe because it's 20 years old (although i read the 3rd edition which was updated 10 years ago with a chapter about mobile apps) but it seems to me that reading this is just a reminder on now not to fuck up your website. Maybe it's revelatory info for some (in which case they definitely need to read it) or maybe it's just a respected data source people can point to and say "well this book says X..." but either way it was short and easy to read and comprehend which is great. I do feel a certain satisfaction with following through and reading the rest on my own time "just because" but... whatever. Still boring work shit in the long run of things. I'd rather talk about punk music or movies or how Stephen King's too old to be scary.

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