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Book Details

Title:   The Destroyer of Worlds
Author:   Matt Ruff
Times Read:   1
Last Read:   06.28.24

Other Books Read By This Author (1)
- Lovecraft Country

Notes History
Date Read Note
06.28.24 Sequel to Lovecraft Country, which I remember really liking (I think I read that during my South America trip so not sure how in-depth my note was). I also liked the HBO show that adapted it, but it kinda went off the rails at the end which is fine because there's no way it was ever getting a second season. I also thought the first book was a one-and-done but then this popped up.

I'd say the major shift for this book is that Lovecraft Country felt like an experiment and this one feels like a comic book. I remember being pleasantly surprised in the first book when the different short stories connected into a whole but this one starts in media res and the plot goes like a train from cover to cover. The pages flew by but it was all action and not a lot of character. I minded that a little because I had the characters from the book mixed in my memory with the actors and portrayals from the show even though the show took some wild divergences (for one, multiple characters died in the show that are still alive here) so it took me a while to remember/grok who was who here and I'm still unsure of Horace's age. It also felt very much like not the end. There's sure to be another one if not more. On one hand I'm glad because the world and the characters are quite fun and interesting, but also this did leave me with that part-two-of-a-trilogy feeling where plenty of loose ends weren't tied up and the resolution felt just as fast as the rest of the book. It was a fun read by now I'm on the hook waiting for the next installment.

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