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Book Details

Title:   Confess, Fletch
Author:   Gregory Mcdonald
Times Read:   1
Last Read:   09.27.24

Other Books Read By This Author (3)
- Fletch
- Fletch and the Widow Bradley
- Fletch's Fortune

Notes History
Date Read Note
09.27.24 Second Fletch book. This one made me realize I didn't like the adaptation much because I already remember almost nothing about it. I had to look up who played Inspector Flynn because I couldn't remember anything about him from the movie. As it turns out, that's because Flynn isn't really in the movie. Ron Wood, Jr. plays a police inspector but he's basically just there to let Jon Hamm smirk all over the screen. In the book I'd say Flynn is a standout feature. It seems like Macdonald wanted to introduce an equal to Fletch. Looking at Macdonald"s wiki, it seems like he wrote several books starring Flynn which tracks. It's a little momentous that Flynn makes Fletch sweat a bit and proves him wrong more than once considering how ahead Fletch is of everyone else.


My other memory of the Movie is that Kyle Maclachlan did it, which is the same here but I think in a somewhat different way. The book ends with two or three twists in a row and I don't remember some of those turns. Maybe I just don't remember movies I watch anymore.

Overall I enjoyed reading this quite a bit. I felt a real Clue: The Movie vibe throughout, even hearing an upbeat jazzy score in my head as Fletch finishes his mission at the end. I'm not sure if these qualify as pulp novels or not - certainly Fletch has sex with about every female character in both books so far and he slugs a guy on the chin in this one - but they seem pretty close to a kind of male fantasy with mystery macguffins to me. But I see the allure and as far as escapists fiction it's very welcome at the moment.

On to the next!

Also, it's 2024, can we stop publishing books that were turned into movies or shows with the super fucking lame novie/show poster? Even on Kindle, all these Fletch books have awesome covers except this one with Jon Hamm"s smirking face on it. Totally ruins the set. Hate that.

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