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Book Details

Title:   Fletch's Fortune
Author:   Gregory Mcdonald
Times Read:   1
Last Read:   10.03.24

Other Books Read By This Author (3)
- Confess, Fletch
- Fletch
- Fletch and the Widow Bradley

Notes History
Date Read Note
10.03.24 The third Fletch book. This one has him blackmailed by the Cia to attend a journalists' convention at A luxury plantation resort to plant bugs on all his cohorts and gather Intel, but the president of the journalist association is murdered upon his arrival. Fletch is never a suspect unlike the last book but since he has all the rooms bugged he's privvy to all sorts of good conversations. I feel like Mcdonald still relished in good long scenes of dialogue but the striking amount of unattributed dialogue was not nearly as noticeable for me here or the previous book as the first. Still, Most of the book is still Fletch talking to people, just in a more traditional prose style.

I can't help but picture Chevy Chase in all these books. Even Confess, Fletch where I just saw Jon Hamm playing the role, something about the character's droll rebuttals and refusal to say anything that isn't a humorous deflection is what Chevy Chase made a career on. The first book even explicitly states that Fletch is blonde but I still picture early 80s Chevy in my mind.

Similar to the first book, this one seems to be a feast for Mcdonald to take the piss out of his journalism industry. There's every kind of archetype on display here all crammed together at this resort for him to play around with and probably throw timely or inside jabs at which mostly go over my head. I still got the gist of it though and it was a fun setting for a murder mystery, which of course Fletch is twelve steps ahead of everyone on.

There's also a bit of a play on his womanizing where he thinks the hot girl who wants him is a Cia plant to he rebuffs her and chooses to be with a heavy girl instead. Progressive...?

All in all it was a damn quick 250 pages and a welcome reprieve to the heavy family stuff I've been dealing with for the past couple weeks. On to Book 4!

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