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Book Details

Title:   Shadow of the Giant
Author:   Orson Scott Card
Times Read:   1
Last Read:   05.10.06

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Date Read Note
05.10.06 The last book in the Ender series that Card started oh so long ago. It's actually quite sad how the series, which started off with two absolutely fantastic books, has steadily declined to this... it's all either timely thinly-veiledgeopolitical commentary or weirdo mormon family stuff... too much talk of baby embryos and whatnot. And i don't mean political commentary thinly veiled in metaphor or analogy but like, just adding however many hundreds of years. America's silent because they overstepped their bounds with wars they didn't belong in, The Muslim nations are trying to shed their violent past, blah blah blah... I'm not interested in the news now, why would I want to read a book about that kind of thing set at some point in the future. The only thing that got me through it are the characters whom I hardly remember because I read Ender's Game so long ago... but even then... this whole "Shadow" series I've been kind of let down by... so this should come as no surprise. oh well i guess... at least it's over and at least Card didn't go back to Ender... his storyline is best left off where CHildren of the Mind ends... this second quartet of books really does pale in the first quartet's shadow... hah. although he conveninently left one character, now just a baby, open-eneded for if he ever wants to come back to this universe for a third series... i really hope he doesn't do it... or at least if he does i hope he doesn't set it on Earth.

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