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Book Details

Title:   Half-Life 2: Raising the Bar
Author:   Valve
Times Read:   1
Last Read:   12.27.04

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12.27.04 more of an art book than a novel or anything, but still containing lots of great conceptual artwork, high-detail snapshots, and little snippets of information from the people that made this great video game. After reading an interview with the "author," I was expecting a bit more text and narrative about the actual journey that Valve went on to end up with the game that I played. Instead, we just get hints and side-references to all of the stuff left out, creating a feeling that the game that ten times the work was done than what was shown in the released game, but not enough information about any of it to justify the exclusion. It was a little frustrating for me, but the book is nice with a hard cover and glossy pages and all that. I was just hoping for a bit more content.

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