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Book Details

Title:   No Country for Old Men
Author:   Cormac McCarthy
Times Read:   1
Last Read:   07.17.06

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07.17.06 like a Texan mystery thriller story about a guy who stumbles upon a drug deal gone bad, takes the money, and runs from all sorts of people who are trying to get it back. Including Anton Chigurh who is like this really scary ultra-professional uberkiller with no qualms about killing random people wherever he goes.

It's a good book for many reasons... I feel a personal vindication in that he doesn't use a single quote for any of the dialogue... actually the whole book is very light on all punctuation. I bet you can count the commas on two hands. It gives the prose kind of a blunt pared down feel even when sentences go on for long times as he describes exactly what characters do in detail (stringing out 5 or 6 actions with "and"). Another reason would be the language is dead on with the characters... I read it and hear deep Texas drawls in their speech. He also plays with point of view a lot... switching it up and interesting times to write certain events that you would think we'd find out about one way from a different perspective so we're constantly piecing together what's going on and who's connected to who.

Good stuff, should make a really good Coen brothers movie.

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