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Book Details

Title:   Killer Instinct
Author:   Jane Hamsher
Times Read:   1
Last Read:   04.02.07

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Date Read Note
04.02.07 Jarrette lent me this book about the making of Natural Born Killers written by one of the producers. It's a pretty typical tell-all, meaning it's really exciting and riveting and lots of dirt gets dished and behind-the-scenes stuff about relationships that never appear on DVD commentaries and featurettes.

I did a little bit of googlechecking afterward to see what's happened to the two main people in the ten years or so since the printing of this book... I guess there was a couple dropped lawsuits and Stone got pissed. I have to say though, that the biggest impact this book had on me was all the Quentin Tarantino stuff. Granted, this book read very much like a producer's spin on what all happened... from her point of view, Hamsher seems really reasonable at all times and everyone else comes off as incompetant and moody and childish and whatnot. But she includes a hand-written note sent to her by QT that really nailed it home for me. It must be tough to go from being so small all your life to being one of the biggest people on Earth in like a month, but reading about Tarantino's actions as he went through that transition, and how he dealt with his friends, was a pretty big eye-opener. It's even more shocking because it brings up issues of writing credit (which I'd heard of before but never really devoted too much interest in because of how messed up the Writer's Guild is with credit and how often you hear about writers disputes and arbitrations and stuff) for Reservoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction, which are still my favorite QT movies. So then it starts to make more sense why there seems to be such a divide between the albeit borrowed but still interestingly told and somewhat original Pulp Fiction and all the stuff that's come since then... which are basically homage-fests. It makes me sad to realize all of that.

Good book though.

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