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Book Details

Title:   A Violent Professional: The Films of Luciano Rossi
Author:   Kier-La Janisse
Times Read:   1
Last Read:   05.21.07

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Date Read Note
05.21.07 This is the first book I've ever read that was written by someone I know and published by a real publisher (so... not counting my book or Mike's manuscript). It's a pretty cool feeling, although I imagine it's even cooler to be the author.

After an introduction and short biography, this book is basically a listing of every Luciano Rossi film with a paragraph or two of notes about the plot, where he appears, and how his presence is treated. Each entry is accompanied by a number of stars based on how much time he has on-screen and a number of hearts based on how hot he is. For a nameless character actor in Italian exploitation film, it's obsessively complete.

The book looks great. The designer, Rob Jones, did a really great job in fitting in posters, stills, screen grabs, and anything else he could muster to make each page attractive to the eye and give some sort of reference to each movie. Since Kier-La only focuses on Rossi, the names of directors and stars are only mentioned peripherally so the images help a lot in identifying the stars of that era (many of whom I'm still not familiar).

It's cool that her book got published and that I have a copy and I've read it. It's also cool that I've seen about 4 of the 70 or so movies mentioned in the book. After reading, there are about 6 more I want to track down now.

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