my Book

Book Details

Title:   Shame the Devil
Author:   George Pelecanos
Times Read:   1
Last Read:   01.01.08

Other Books Read By This Author (16)
- The Big Blowdown
- The Cut
- Down by the River Where the Dead Men Go
- Drama City
- A Firing Offense
- Hard Revolution
- King Suckerman
- The Man Who Came Uptown
- The Martini Shot
- Nick's Trip
- The Night Gardener
- Shoedog
- The Sweet Forever
- The Turnaround
- The Way Home
- What it Was

Notes History
Date Read Note
01.01.08 This makes a pretty great final novel to read of Pelecanos'. It's kind of a combination between his first three Nick Stefanos books and his later three Karras/Clay books in a multi-faceted wrap-up. All the baggage and history behind pretty much every character really loads every page. I really enjoyed this one (no surprise) and was surprised by how much I missed the guys at The Spot.

So let's see. My top 5 Pelecanos books

1. Drama City
2. Shoedog
3. The Night Gardener
4. Shame the Devil
5. Hard Revolution

Looking back, the books I liked the least were the Strange books. Maybe that's because I read them first or maybe because whatever... He's definitely an author that grows on you though. I can now count myself as an official fan.

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