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Book Details

Title:   How I Conquered Your Planet
Author:   John Swartzwelder
Times Read:   1
Last Read:   10.02.08

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Date Read Note
10.02.08 A funny little book written by the veteran Simpson's writer. I'm generally not a fan of "humor fiction" because mostly the story makes no sense just so it can be clever or whatever and it's really hard for me to laugh out loud from reading something. This got several "heh"s from me which is pretty good. Basically, the story is told from the first person perspective of someone about as smart as Homer Simpson but a little meaner. He inadvertently helps martians conquer Earth, which is pretty funny.

The book was a fun read but I'm glad it's as short as it is (150 small large-type pages). Too much longer and it would've gone to tedious. As such though, it was pretty good. I'm glad I got a sample of what Swartzwelder's novels are like. It makes complete sense that this came from the same brain as those classic crazy Simpsons episodes that he wrote.

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